Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's an Occupation, Not a War

The war's over, right? Wait. I thought all combat missions had ended and America prevailed!? What about "Mission Accomplished" and the prez on the USS Abraham Lincoln back on May Day (May 1), 2003? I don't know who could forget that display. Guess somebody didn't see it.....

No End In Sight
This new documentary comes out tomorrow. Originally trained as a political scientist (M.I.T.), Charles Ferguson has authored three books and many articles dealing with information technology and various aspects of its relationship to economic, political, and social issues. You can read his other street creds at the film's website.

After watching the trailer, there's really nothing new to me, nothing I haven't seen or heard already. I hope it will reach outside of the choir, however, and open more eyes to the hard truth of it. War is failure no matter which way you look at it. This occupation was a PLANNED failure. The mess that's been made in Iraq was and is purposely manipulated, manufactured as to give this administration and the war profiteers all the reasons to remain there, plundering and pillaging.

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